Catching a fish on the fly is a blast. Fooling a fish on an imitation that you've created is even better! It makes a great addition after our half-day "Fun On The Fly" course, or before a day of guided fishing on our "Mountain Streams". It's also a fun way to spend shoulder to shoulder time learning and creating with your kids! We'll bust out our feathers, fibers and hooks and you'll learn to tie your very own fly. From there we'll head down to the waters edge armed with our new secret weapons [your flies] and attempt to fool your next fish with it
Cost and Details
$135/person - when booked with any of our courses [view courses]
$159/per person (stand-a-lone)
Available May-Oct
Minimum of 2 people per booking
Includes all materials and equipment
Recommended minimum age 6 years old
No fishing license required